Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I found this offering on my counter this morning. Let's see who can guess what it is and who it's from!


  1. Something from the cat?

  2. it could have been colonel mustard with the candlestick in the study, but it wasn't. it was the cat with the egg yolk in the kitchen.

  3. I love how perfectly poised it is

  4. Noooo, it's not butter, but that's not an unreasonable guess--JB the oldest gets the damndest things out of the fridge while we're sleeping...
    JB the smartest is CLOSE, but he's really JB the dad so he has an unfair advantage.

  5. Nah, that's too reasonable. just barely the smartass... I mean, Smartest... almost had it. It was ELLA in the KITCHEN with the (perfectly removed and balanced) EGG YOLK!

  6. Very creative Ella! What happened to the egg white?

  7. Now THAT, Nana Mimi, is a fantastic question! I'd like to think that she ate it & that I'm not going to find it under my bed or something a month from now, but who knows! I'm just lucky she got a hold of a cooked one.
